Last Great Revival
of 7th April 2024 the following signs and events will precede the
Biblical event called “The Rapture”.
on extensive reading and understanding of the Bible, watching & praying,
listening to prophecies and news, I am outlining some of the foreseeable
predictions in orderly manner as they would happen, which believers should fast
& pray, prepare themselves for what is coming and to warn others regarding
these matters.
Trouble has started last year and an acceleration of these events will take
place after the solar eclipse on the 8th of April 2024, which many
could not comprehend or keep track of. When these events happen, pray and glorify
The GOD of Heavens and the Earth, who foretells the end from the beginning.
The Rapture (From Now to around 2027/2028)
The Great American eclipse will come as a sign
for the judgment over America (which is called Mystery Babylon or Egypt) –
Marks an X on a place called “Little Egypt” along with the path of 2017 solar
è Muslims all around the world will take this sign as the sign from Allah to usher in the appearance of their Mahdi, their messiah – Islamic sign, Crescent Moon and a star is actually the Solar Eclipse and its glowing ring
è Israel
attacks Iran and other Middle Eastern countries
è Riots
in the US cities and cities worldwide against Israel
è China
will work hand in hand with Saudi and other Middle Eastern countries
è Dollar
will fall heavily in stages. First, a 30% then more and more chain recessions
will take place
è Middle
Eastern currencies will rise in values along with Chinese and some Asian
è Attempt
to kill Joe Biden and may succeed
è Attempt
to make Kamala Devi Harris the president and postpone the November election
è Donald
John Trump will be re-elected amidst severe partition among the US people
è Financial
reset and wealth coming to the Kingdom people in order to finance the last
great revival world wide
è New
virus severe than COVID is introduced probably from Europe and new lockdowns
announced worldwide
è Robots,
Bots and AI systems will be employed in many important services throughout the
è Many
jobs will be lost and humans will depend on governments for basic income and
è Much
greater depression, greater than “The Great Depression” (1929 – 1939) will come
è Last
great revival worldwide will come as a wave and will be short lived
è Many
nations will experience revivals as hot spots. Regions of many nations will
completely come to the repentance and to the knowledge of Christ.
è China’s
underground churches will come openly and great revival will be taking place in
Asian countries.
è US
betrays Israel
è Muslim
nation alliances formed and come against Israel
è Israel
attacks and thrives
è UN
resolution attempted for peace and a two state solution is agreed.
è Israel
is split in two and allowed to rebuild their Third Jewish Temple
è In
about 3 days a great earthquake of 10.0 strikes the US and it splits in two and
the whole country is affected
è Huge
Tsunamis coming to coastal cities
è Great
famine comes to the whole world and supply chains stop
è People
rioting and depending on government rations
è People
will throw away valuables and branded items and abandon them as they become
è China
will invade Taiwan and other neighboring countries
è Russia
comes through Suez Canal to Atlantic Ocean and attacks east cost of America
è China
comes from West and attack west coast of America
è China
does cyber attacks and destabilizes US infrastructure and disable warnings
è China
sends bio-chemical attacks and kills US people
è UN
sends peace troops to US
è US
recovers slowly from destructions and many will be repenting and seeking The
è Islamist
waiting for Mahdi and calls for a unified Jihad against Zionist regimes
The Rapture – Start of Tribulation (2027/2028 to 2030/2031)
è Before
rapture we have around 3 to 4 years max based on Book of Daniel (Not setting
è Rapture
will happen and there will be blackouts and great darkness in the world for
about 2 weeks – No electronic equipment will work and no news or communications
during this time
è Many
Christians and pastors will be left behind. Some will repent after left behind
but many will curse god and work against their pastors and churches
è UN and many political leaders will look up to the Saudi prince, Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) who will be promoted to rule as the Mahdi king (Daniel 11)
è Pope
Francis representing the Religious groups and Barrack Hussein Obama representing
the political groups through UN will support his reign
è Obama is Satan, Saudi Prince is the Anti-Christ (The Beast) and Pope Francis is the False Prophet
è The
spirit of Anti-Christ is not yet possessed the Saudi prince. When possessed he
will become a stern faced king and act with violence and vengeance
è Ten
kings will yield their rule over to Saudi prince for a short period, who now
become king
è One
world currency and new one world religion scraped out of Islam will be
è World
will fake and say alien invasion and aliens have taken the Christians
è Mahdi
will announce that the Christians were punished by god and will make false
peace with Israel
è Introduce
the mark of the beast a chip like a tattoo either on hand or forehead
è The mark will be like a Sun (Black Sun) and its rays like a hologram sticker
è Initially
voluntary introduction and many will accept it including a lot of left behind
è Without
the mark, no one can Buy or Sell, or enter cities, shops or get government
è The
mark will change the DNA of humans, make them zombies with no feelings or their
souls are completely dead.
The Rapture – Great Tribulation / Wrath of GOD (2030/2031 to 2033/2034)
è There
will be soars appear on some peoples’ skins because of the implanted mark chip
è The
antichrist will have a new flag for all nations with colors Green, White and
è People
will be forced to worship the Anti-Christ and the Image of The Beast on Fridays
è Drones
will be used with AI to target the hiding Christians
è Believers
who repented will hide from the rest of the world and seek refuge in caves,
mountains and forests
will provide and protect many who repent and believe in The Name of The Lord
JESUS Christ and supernatural provisions of food and necessities will manifest
è Believers
will even get translated supernaturally by the Glory of GOD in order to escape
è They
will travel in the night time and horde food from farms in order to survive
è Many
families who believe in JESUS Christ and did not renounce Him will be taken in
the night time to interrogation camps which were built for quarantine and
è They
will be forced to renounce JESUS Christ and accept the mark of the beast and
those who refuse will be beheaded by Islamic Swords.
The Tribulation & The Return of JESUS Christ as The King of Kings (Beyond
è About
70 nations of Islamic countries (lot of the weak nations will be converted to
Islam) will join with the Anti-Christ in order to attack Israel and completely
annihilate them from the face of the earth
è They
will succeed entering the gates of Israel borders and almost at the verge of
capturing the entire nation
è Lord
JESUS will appear from heaven with His Holy Saints and He will destroy the
enemies of Israel
è The
Lord will stand upon the Mount Olive and it will split in to two
è The
Lord will kill the Gog (Probably Obama) and kill all the soldiers who come to
destroy Israel (Ezekiel 39)
è The
land of Israel will be cleaned up for 7 months burying the dead bodies
è The
Lord JESUS Christ will reign the whole world from Jerusalem for a thousand
years as the King of The Kings and The Lord of The Lords
& Videos
are some important links, videos, channels and websites for you to refer.
with prayer and discernment and also, subscribe and get involved.
Do not rely on Google, Facebook, YouTube and any news media to get the honest and true information.